2024 Income Tax Receipts
From Finance - David Hundertmark...
"I’m pleased to announce that St. Faustina Income Tax Receipts will be available on or about January 27, 2025."
What you need to know:
- Charitable Donation Receipts will reflect donations made between January 1 and December 31, 2024.
- A hard copy of your receipt will be available at the back of the church after Jan 30.
- Please email finance@stfaustina.ca if you would prefer to have your receipt mailed to you.
- Donation receipts will be emailed to the designated head of the household as listed in Flocknote, our database and message system.
- IMPORTANT: Canada Revenue Agency requires a name and full address for a valid income tax receipt. Receipts cannot be issued without this information. Please take a moment to update your Flocknote account by logging in to https://login.flocknote.com/login or contact David at finance@stfaustina.ca to avoid any delays in getting your tax receipt.
"When you think about all of the ways our parish lives out our faith, outreach and acts of charity, it is marvellous what our Lord does when we all pull together. On behalf of the St. Faustina family, we sincerely thank you for your generous support!"